I would say this year would be
Since my parents bought a huge oven, everyday my brothers had been baking =D
Started with chocolate cake then a butter cake
The eve of my birthday, my “tai lo” (eldest brother) baked a huge chicken pie since most of us were kinda jelak of eating cakes.
So Big Chicken pie ..

** Click to enlarged !
[Photo 1] Inside the oven … yes the oven can fit our school bags inside !

[Photo 2] The side of the pie kinda burst out during baking ..BIAAAK !
But the pie was really good.
I don’ think you can see it but TSY (my name) was on top of the pie
** Click to enlarged !
As you can see – written : SY’s Pre B’day Meal XD
Then I was online for my birthday countdown
Michelle, Li Huey & Kenneth fong fei kei and went offline early
Thank god Jia Jun was there playing checkers online with me till my birthday arrived
Thanks Big Head Prawn =D
In school, everybody acted weird
Ching : happy Birthday SU Yi … (Continues doing h/w)
Adelin : I forgotten something.. Owh ya ..happy b’day SY
Me : Swt swt swt
The moment I entered the class, I turned to the blackboard
Poof ** big big the whole blackboard HAPPY BIRTHDAY SU YI !
=D I believe it was from ikram cause there was a poring at the side
Thanks Ikram !
Then teacher was busy collecting money for jogathon and there was NO MORAL !
So half the day in school was just talking and having fun
On the way downstairs I asked Ikhwan
SY : Ikhwan, Is there anything that is gonna happen after this ?
Ikhwan : (looking shy) ahem ** cough cough cough
SY : =D
I came in koperasi early since there was nothing in moral class with May
SY : Should I eat a bun or should I keep my stomach for something else ?
May : (cough) Dunnnnooooo
SY : =D
The form 3 juniors were nice to sing a birthday song for me
The African exchanged teacher was smiling to hear that
Well there was no cake in the fridge so I didn’t expect anything
Seriously ….
Until recess was going to end, tEACher got a cake
So the koperasi members sang the birthday song ..

Me & My Girls ...

For me & May
[yes our birthday is nice – one to start the week and one to end the week]
And out of nowhere , zarul brought my fav chocolate donut ~!
With a candle on top of it !
I was like “
DONUT !!!!” =D
And all my best friends came in singing the b’day song
Then Melissa brought another donut ..
And I thought : are they gonna bring in 17 donuts ? =D
But the other donut was for chui may …
Chui may was surprised too =D
Donut = good !

[Our donuts could not really be seen but you can see the candle] =D
The place was crowded with people ..
My Best friends, kopearsi members and some people that I don’t even know ! lolx
Then came to the presents
Mel came in the koperasi smiling ..
And the first thing I thought was :
I got a feeling there is gonna be a bra inside ..lolx
I took the presents out instructed by bulissa one by one
From hair accessories to black necklace to A BRA !
Everybody was laughing the whole crowd - there was like 30 ppl in the koperasi
And mel told me to wear it
Mel : Since there are boys here – you can’t take out your shirt ..
Kishen :
we are gays , it’s alright !
[Crowd laughs]
Garrick : I can help you !
SY : Garrick come here
But before he could wear it on, I was laughing till I was out of air
Mel : Since SY can’t wear it , Chui May shall wear it
Chui May who was holding the bra – put the bra on the table and attempted to runaway
In the end – we setle down cause the crowd was pretty noisy
And I don’t wish any discipline teacher came down to spoil it .
Believe it or not, I can’t fit the bra. It’s 32A
I’m a goodamn 34B lolx. Remember it next time you wanna get me one !
In est class, mel was looking at my presents
Suddenly Ikhwan say :
It’s not over yet !I was like ????
Before tution I ask ikhwan what he meant in tution
SY : Is there anything gonna happen after this ?
Ikhwan : (sounding serious online ) No
SY : owh ..ok
In tution nothing happen – only thing was Li hUey came
Li Huey : I’m gonna follow Melissa to go church
Melissa : (in a rush) Teacher I really got to go …BB
So they left in a rush, I was late already since we were still doing work
When I came back home, My mum was so happy
She said stock market earn a lot ..I was like owh ok
Then my dogs were very excited .. I dunno why
After I open li huey’s present – which was a egg [me & her got an egg thing going on]
I was laughing in the kitchen – I headed to my room
On the way up , I heard someone sounding like Melissa laughing
I was like “Must be dreaming, not enough sleep”
tHEn I heard someone like Li huey’s voice
I was like ..something not right –
and my dogs were giving me signs that something isn’t right
Suddenly when I turned to the window, I saw them
Both of them saw me too – and the ran to my backyard
They were hiding near the toilet outside
I used the window – not knowing I was just behind them at the window
The moment Li huey saw me was like
A student got caught by a discipline teacher
When I look at the window again , I saw Nicholas and Garrick
I was like : How many people are here ? omg

Was pretty happy and funny cause
I caught them first XD
But I didn’t expect that coming !
Here are some photos during the surprise party …

Group Photo

The cake was baked by melissa's mum
Really chocolate "kau" lolx
Thanks for the cake auntie !

Nobody wanted to eat the duck - just now in the mood for ducks
poor ka-yee

Me & da boys !

Me & my good friends

Li Huey copy my lomo photo ! lolx

5 dudes in my garden

garrick : for your birthday, I'll let you hit my butt
(shows butt to me)
- you predict what will happen next !
Now for a lil shoutouts to my buddies ~
KC - thanks for the clip clip , I know you're the 1st to wish me =D
Han Joe - Thanks for your tooth clip ! I'll make sure my teeth will be as white as that !
Ikhwan - Thanks for the bracelet and hairband - zomg ikhwan buy girls stuff
My gf's - thanks for the surprise and the necklace ! Lots of loves & kisses
Jwen - thanks for the card gurl ! I can't design like that XD
Li Huey - thanks for your egg : now i need to get you dinosaur egg
charles & gang - thanks for the magic sands : fun to play with !
li ching (kh00) : thanks for the bracelet - it's chunky
carmen : thanks for the necklace : sweet like you
and to all my friends for your sweet wishes
Now I need to show you guys this ... kekekkeke
I was thinking of buying the top for forever 21 a week ago
But it was like rm 120 - my mum wasn't being supportive
So I was thinking of it ...again & again

Till we went 1u again last weekend ..
poof * my brother and friend bought it for me =D
Very very happie
I love that you can tie a blue ribbon behind it

Here's a closer look ..
see the colour ..love the material & print
Made in USA =D
My mum bought me a white shoe

42 bucks =D
I love love this shoe - young & sweet

It's actually around 2 - 2 1/2 inch tall
When you wear it, you can feel it's tall =P
I brighten up this photo cause i can't on flash against mirrors

Li gave me this present before the surprise party
It was pretty warm - at first i thought it was a friend chicken
I was like - why she give me chicken ? @@
When I open, it's an egg ! hahahhaa
She gave me an egg which acts as a pot to grow a plant !

So thank you guys for the great day I will always remember =)
Signing out,
My brother : where got people celebrate party for 4 days 4 nights ?
SY : (blinks eye)