Aloha People
this post would be all about GROUP 2 - the fun for 3 days in a row !!
And yes I still remember that exam is around the corner already =X
My camera has like 400 + photos
I have trouble just sending them via msn
And photobucket takes forever to upload them.
thumbdrives ppl ?
Blogging this is just killing me
(I should be studying - finishing up t4 work !!!!!)
So let the photos do the talking
P/s : The photos may take long to buffer completely.
Happy Photo Day !!! lolx
ENJOYLast week was Miss Yiong's EDC Class
which happen to be the last day of T3 with her
During my free time, I made cards for all our lecturers
Owh my , took me hours to even complete one
Bought the materials right after MOCK Exam
Francis helped to pick the colours =D

For Group 2's T1 & T3 lecturer ,
MISS YIONGGroup 2, you know exactly how long was Miss Yiong's farewell speech XD
Hadi "Omg , this is too emotional"

14th May 2008
Hazel's Birthday

Ask hazel why am I always on the right and she is on the left lolx
She'll know why XD

The birthday card I made for my Hazel-nut

The birthday cake !!!!
Would like to say a big thank you to Jenny =)

The cake when it been zoom in X12 using my camera
(I just love it to say MY CAMERA .... hahaha thanks bro !!!!)
Somehow the cake looks disgusting .. lolx
At least it was yummy !

The card full with messages of love ..

My job was to photograph the shot and nothing else lolx
Think twice if you wish u want to be in wyn yau's shoes

Cake for me .. cake for you ...
Happy Birthday HazelMy dear girlfriend who I just click the moment we first met !
The girl who always share nasi lemak & ice-kacang everytime we eat at "pink"
The girl who always "diet"
The girl whos pitch makes my ears go "ouch ! "
The girl who I dare not put the phone near to my ears when on the phone with her
The girl who gossips with me ... CNN efficiency !
The girl who has a signature word "cutEEEE"
The girl who I call my "Ho Chi Mui" =)
15 - 5 - 2008
Card - Balloons - Pig - Pizza = FUN !

The card I made for Miss Geetha
Group 2's T2 & T4 lecturer
When I went infront of the class to present to her,
she was smiling all the way knowing something is for her XD
And to my surprise, the card had all her favourite colours
Purple .. yellow .. maroon
wow, really worth spending 3/4 hours just to make the card =)

The thank you messages !!!!!!!!!!!!
(SORRY pixel problem going on)
Back to the class ...

Malaysia harmony !!!
(Ashwin , Chien Ming & Aiman)
p/s : Chien Ming is Group 2's ex student trans to Ausmat
Yet, he is still part of Group 2 till today.
REmember chien ming , You're always welcome here in G2 =)
Asst. class rep said so ! hahaha
That day ....
Wyn Yau, Michael, Yee Chien & Sean went pyramid before class started
and gave Hazel her belated birthday present
And you got this .......

When I saw michael coming in with the huge pig,
and the others with balloons
I was like "are we gonna have a party ? lolx"
And hazel was jumping for joy looking at the pig
omg when I was taking photographs , I just couldn't help but say
SO CUTE !!!!!
You can't deny how cute is MICHAEL !!!!
how can u resist him ?
What's with group 2 students being all cute cute lolx

And later the whole class started playing with the balloons ..
Han Yang
Wyn Yau
Yee Chien
Ram ..
And anybody passing by our class would be
"what on earth is going on in this class .."
"the balloons ... the pig lolx"

"margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block;

And I got my very first photo with wyn yau !
and one more thing ,
P/s : Michael , you say post cute cute one right ? XD
Btw , we had Pizza too for that day
And since I had a voucher given by Seafield for my award
Me & Hazel had one whole meal free pizza+ drink and the whole package lolx
16 - 5 - 2008
T5 EDC Class & Teacher's Day

The card I made for Mr.Bill
Group 2's T5 lecturer
Now it was suppose to be pink in colour
Give a little gay flavour into the card XD
But somehow francis convince blue was the colour =)

Now his card has photos as he was the only lecturer we took group photo
And we had a big classroom that particular day

The inside part of the card
The centre part photo would be the group photo with our lecturer
and observe the buttons deco too =)
all the cards made have a label "Made by : SY Stuff" lolx
Moving on , somehow today was teacher's day
and it was our T5 EDC Class
that would be our very last time Bill would be our lecturer for T5
so I was thinking around how to make it fun on the morning of teachers day
and yee chien suggested this idea to me
p/s : What happen this morning was Yee Chien's idea. hahahaha

Don't wanna go into details
But it was so so so so funny .
Michael has the whole video captured
But I'm not gonna post anything up here =P
Keep it for group 2 ya *wink*
And bill if you're viewing this,
I realise the cards I made to all lecturers are really bright
They are so colourful , they look so happy lolx
Ok, I'm too lazy to post any personal photos with my friends
I'll just keep them for myself ya
P/s : Jenny, that includes me & bill's photo. Which you help to photograph !
You won !!!!! hahah you won !!!!!
Bill picked the crab over the lala & sea hum
And now I wanna eat crab =)

Mr.Bill, Phin Wern, Jenny, Chai Hooi & Jess

Lisa, Aiman, Ram, Hadi, Jess & Maryam

Show ya legs, show ya love !!!!!

'tai chap hai"

Han Yang, I remember I tutor you on disposal right ?
You could use some practical right now lolx

There is just something about this photo
that makes you pause for a second and look at wyn yau , right ?


(cough) Wyn Yau, Don't I look sweet in this photo right ?

And later on we headed to eat Korean food somewhere near Pyramid
Used 4 cars to fetch a number of us . I had trouble co-ordinating.
where is jess ?
is michael driving ?
where is yee chien ?
teik wei u coming ?
And eventually 4 cars hit the road !!
Like some class trip .. I don't think other classes are like that
We had to wait at the side cause mich & jess's car was stuck at traffic light
and later on we somehow split. Michael went his own way
yee chien's car was following us and jess way back
And somehow we all went missing
So much calling here & there "WHERE ARE U ?" lolx
We met up with Michael & Jess's car later on
but later yee chien's car accidentally hit the LDP
and poof we had to wait for like 1/2 hour to meet up with her ...
"margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block;

Meanwhile, here is SY & Michael in shades !
P/s : No more peanut face =D I don't see any pimples edi
Peanut face free !!!!!!
When we headed back to college after lunch,
Michael's car keys went missing.
Was suppose to be in Hazel's bag but somehow it went missing
Went back into the restaurant , wasn't there
search hazel's bag, wasn't there
and finally it was inside my camera bag which was also inside hazel's bag
Let's just say Hazel's bag is big. You could fit many things inside
And Michael & Sean was racing back
That car ride was just so funny
ONly the few of us who were in that 2 cars would know !
What a day with so much fun =)
Group photos taken in the restaurant

SY is listening to : Kanye West ft T.Pain - Good Life
Signing out,
One of the best days in college yet ......
(unless there is something "happening" going on)
That's SY ! XD
Take care people !
Lots of love from SY