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Saturday, November 07, 2009

Li Huey's 19

Sunday, 8-11-2009

Photos provided to you by SY STUFF =D

Over the weekends,
we gathered to celebrate Li Huey's 19th Birthday@Bubba Gumps, Piramid

and 'We' , referring to the close friends in Seafield (name of my secondary school)
Note : Me, kelly and li huey have known each other since primary school.
And now being our 2nd year in college, count the number of years. . . .
10 years ? That's a decade ~!!!!!!!

I hope she liked the photo album I made for her in the midst of audit revision class.
I took all the old photos we had since primary till recent years ..
Mum saw the transformation ..
And yes the photo above was havoc for me in Facebook.
Click here to view it yourself (My FV went down the drain)

Matching the drinks with our clothes

Li Huey needs to have longer hair ..LOL

The Birthday cake =D

Something for the birthday girl from the restaurant ...

And the birthday girl =)

One thing really funny was the song they sang for her. .

Sings "If you want your birthday cake, let me see your booty shake XD"

I'm looking forward for the video in Ka-Yee's camera

Have a great year ahead Li Huey ..

And finally,

I love you guys .. I mean girls XD

SY is listening to : Big Bang - Number 1
SY is watching :
Born Rich - Episode 10,
Beyond the Realm of Conscience - Episode 15
SY is busy doing :
F7 questions ..(4 MORE !~~)
Signing out,
Let the EDC classes begin ~! Bring em on ~!

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