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Friday, May 28, 2010

Quickies: To the left, to the right !

Started this blog since August 2006, today marks my 556th blog post =)

Somehow struggling to finish my P3 Business Analysis.
Would appreciate some support and help over here =/
Hopefully I'll get everything done my Monday to start my P2 studies,
which is hanging and indeed worrying =(

On the happier note, heard my seniors are getting their job offers already.
Hopefully mine too by end of the year =)

Work ! one step nearer to my camera =D

now, that's motivation !

Something from the 80's,
oooh it's nice to sing when you're stressful in the early mornings ,
baby give it up, na na na na na na na !

P/s: Today's Wesak Day. Stepped into some joystick ash on the floor.
Fantastic feeling of hot ash on your feet. Try it ! =P

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