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Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Quickies: Progress Test week . . .

Aloha !
I'm suppose to be studying, but one hour passed by & I lost my concentration !

Not my fault right? =D

Currently in ACCA, I'm left with two papers.

P5 Advanced Performance Management and P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance.

For P5, the questions are really case-based. God knows exactly what to study as you can't really apply what you study in text to the question. There's gotta be some sort of relation to the question with indirect application of theories you had learned to it. Get it ? Learning the concepts, the limitations, advantages, disadvantages pretty much slows down my momentum and it's pretty dry. It's the questions that' interest you, but answering them is another thing.

As for P7, a paper that's tough. I'm now trying to proof it is passable for the first time (inside story). Currently my internal exams is till my IFAC ethics part which currently is making me cookoo ! I even modified the statement to:

'There are currently no safeguards that could reduce
my boredom to an acceptable level'

Dammit, no tips ! XD

Don't lie, I know you like tips too

Thinking back it's gonna be my last ever Progress Test 1! Yes ! Determined to finish my course this year, have faith =) Plus, I'm invigilating too. So different roles at different day. One day I'm invigilating, one day I'm taking the exam myself XD This is gonna be an interesting week =)

Plus, gonna receive 3 new dresses. Bought them online, on delivery. Should receive them by this week ! Wouldn't say they are expensive or cheap, affordable. Will show you all when they arrive, can't wait - weeeeeeeeeee ~!

On a happier not, Thanks Jenny for the set of brushes. Couldn't got my hands on the Elf brushes I was eye-ing on previously - too many procedures and currency issues involved. Jenny handed over a set of MAC brushes *jaws drop* Just started using them, love them ! Bet they're gonna last a lifetime =D


Jenny chong said...

i tot u will put J tim..haha...

SY said...

K next time XD

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