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Friday, February 04, 2011

One for Mummy, One for Daddy

First thing that hits me when I saw my first paycheck was oh-oh payday - allowance to parents.
And since it was CNY around the corner, fits into the angpow paper.
Think mum will keep this for a long long time, feels great giving back for the first time =D

Finally feeling very independent,
a working 'lady',
who earns her own greens,
and hopefully my gold tortoise is anywhere near me XD
  and and ohhh hope this 21st Feb which happens to be my results day would give me good news,
      not forgotting then the increase in my salary XD

Signing out,
Don't ask me to give you angpow,
I'm not married and I'm a god-damn 20 year old girl ! (shows tongue)

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