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Wednesday, May 06, 2009

F4 EDC class !

With heavy law revision classes, I can't even finish my post on BoysOverFlowers!
Dammit ! LOL

So finally F4 edc classes are over.
Time flies so fast isn't it ?
Finished CAT and went through 4 months of ACCA,
now semester 1 is coming to an end.
finals coming, revision classes are on !

My personal thoughts on law ?
First day I entered law class, Ms.Pushpa scared us with the model answer
It's like witting so much in 3 hours .. scary
Even though other lecturers were complaining about how noisy we were,
she didn't had problems cause we were frighten ! AT FIRST !
after that, we achieved the highest amount of scolding from her !

With our beautiful scripts to make her almost 'unsound mind',
to our degree of noise we make in class,
I think our class was the hardest class to handle.

Her famous quote
'What you write is a matter of IMPRESSION'

At first I was scoring around 50 or so,
Didn't like law .. Don't like to memories sections ..
Turn out to be my best paper among 3 to my surprise.
Scoring around 70+ at PT2 & Mock.

'If the law says black is white, then black is white'

Anyway, here are other photos you can grab on =)

Click on each photos to enlarge ! (full size)

F4 ACCA Group 1 SM 2009

(photos credits : WeiHao Photography)

Well this is like 20% of the actual class.
No doubt law class is heavy. Some prefer to skip it & self-study
but here are the ones that were here on the last day ..
I think we must take group photo like on the first or second day instead !

The following are the options to choose from ..
thank god for options ! LOL
Think the standing one was really nice but the back row was badly blocked !

The following are our group photos
(incase if you didn't receive a copy previously)


without flash

with flash

credits to Wei Hao for the photos =)


credits to Aisyah's Brother & SY Stuff for the photos =)

other choices ~ enlarge them

SY is listening to : Stand By Me - Shinee (Boys Over Flowers OST)
SY is watching this series : Boys Over Flowers (Completed)
SY is busy : online ! LOL weee no more 8-5 law classes anymore ! muhahhahahah!

Signing out,
Burning hot weather !

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