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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

bends head

My holiday just turn purple =(

Cause of the stars have faded away ..
Just try not to worry ..
you'll see them someday ...


P/s : Sorry have forgotten all the december birthdays
Things aren't going well here at my side.

Happy Birthday Jin-Huat,
I just reconfirm from Ikram . tehehehe
I know you're probably think what's wrong with me for following you in the mall.
I was bored that time LOL and you wore the shirt that I burn a little back at Ikram's place.
Owh well wishing you "not getting your shirt burn by any girls especially me" Hah

Happy Birthday Ka-Yee ,
my dear duckie that complains I walk fast since highschool.
my dearest good friend which I can be blur around with. we make good blur peoples.

Happy Birthday Jie-yan,
I know I'm suppose to message you on your birthday,
but handphone failed on me so I lost all contacts,
at least there's msn message right ?
happy birthday to you

Happy Birthday Audrey,
PANG YAU ! I can feel all your lovey dovey in your blog already.
HOpe there's still room for me to wish u HAPPY BIRTHDAY !

Happy Birthday Rach.Ooi
Still remember the primary school tables & Lady Marmalade ? XD
Happy birthday old time buddy !

Happy Birthday Hui Yi,
Aloha there classmate ! Didn't know your birthday is the last day of the year.
I'll wish u in advanced here before I forget cause I've been pretty forgetful this few days.

Signing out,
I'll erase it all .. I'll change it all ...

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