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Monday, August 17, 2009

ACCA Results Day - Round 2 2009 !

August 17th 2009

So literally the results day which we had to wait for months after sitting the finals,
Is like every other course are taking their results first except ....... ACCA !!

And different students would be aiming :

Pass on the spot !

Average marks !

Scoring high !

Possibly prizes too ..

As for dearest SY here,

Honestly speaking, if you didn't know me well-
one single failure for any subject = SY buried 6 feet under !!!
Mainly cause I come from a really strict family where failures are not acceptable.
It really brings me goosebumps just thinking of the thought of failing.
That explains why I never do last minute studies because

and whether you get good marks or not,
No rewards , no praises.. absolutely nothing!
Welcome to my world >.<" So literally an average of 70 would do me well. I'm happy enough if it's around that range. Won't aim too high, later too emo! And I think you yourself would know your range of marks. So literally 70 was my benchmark for every papers =P FYI : 50% is the passing mark which is consider quite high. And there is no project work. You live and die by the paper ! Fail ? Resit it 6 months later =I

As expected, tax being the lowest.
But for a girl always scoring 50-55% in internal exams,
even my tax lecturer was happy for me =)
Could you see my graph shooting right up ? XD
But I gotta admit, I hate tax LOL
Very happy for this paper =)

As for performance management paper,
Believed this is the best I've ever scored ,
although it was the hardest paper for the semester.
Well done !

As for law, explains the 10 marks question which went to the bin confirmed !
Well I did aim for law to be my highest paper =D
Because literally I studied law the most compared with other papers! (everyone did)
Those painful memorizing work !!! Paid-off !

And most importantly, this marks are good enough for me to earn
a first-class qualification in OBU.
So hopefully I'll be able to maintain it in future papers
although F9 is not motivating it ...


And the happiest part about all this,
My tai lo (actual/biological) one, (yesh, I call a lot of boys -tai lo in college)
actually called all the way from Singapore right after results.
Had a good talk with him on the phone =)
Yesh, I did better than him in ACCA now !!
Cause he was still proud of his CAT marks XD

=) thanks bro ! Hope to see you soon !


So after results, followed Wyn Yau's car to Piramid.
First time sitting his car actually ! LOL
Boy I could feel his joy during results time.
The kind of joy which is waiting to be exploding out once the results are out.
Haha, congrats buddy. You deserve it !
You are indeed my ou xiang =)

Me & the girls wanted to go for a drink.
But who the hell drinks at 2 pm right ?

and wanted to eat something really good,
cause when you're so happy - everything just taste better !
But the boys were all objecting all the places I wanted to go such as Ole Ole Bali,etc

And we ended up in Mcd.
Eis, accountant students ! ! !! ! You guys really tickle my life up XD

Photos taken using my handphone,
caused nobody was supporting the idea of my bringing my digital camera.

Beloved Chai Hooi,
excellent marks over there !
You are indeed a hardworking girl to look up upon at =)
I wished you all the best for your F5. Perhaps prize ? XD

Yoong Soon, SY, Yau

This girl ran to her hostel to check her results.
And we were all hanging in the library wondering how is she.
Until we were screaming outside the library,
then you know - she passed lolx

Wyn Yau : I bet you 100 bucks hazel is going to dash into the photo XD

I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this photo =D

Jenny & Yee Chien
credits : Jenny

SY & Jenny
credits : Jenny

Jenny & Sean.
Ho ho ho XD , how come it looks like Jenny just had a haircut ?
credits : Jenny

this is definitely PHOTO OF THE DAY for me XD.
Off-shoulder tops are surely nice to photograph. hehe !

SY is listening to : Superjunior - Its You
SY is watching : Burning Flame III - Completed !
SY is busy doing : Facebook-ing. Everyone in ACCA is high with their nicknames in FB XD

Signing out,
I need I need a haircut soon after looking at the photos.
'Lalang-hair' alert ! lolx

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