HTML Nuffnang

Saturday, October 24, 2009

On a saturday ..

cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee XD

On a happier note, MOCK IS OVER !

Audit paper was alright. Only problem was I had time constraint.
Didn't finish the last question but I think i survived.

Financial management paper was noob-ed.
Cause some were from text book & the EDC pack.
But fairly done. Screwed some parts but it was alright.
This is a paper not to be taken lightly.
And the hardest paper I'm facing this semester *gulps*

Financial reporting paper was dreadful. LOL
Couldn't balance a single question from group to f/s to Cash Flow statement.
Proofs that you can't study like this for finals.
Indeed I need to study more on F7. I have learned my lesson XD

So rather than complaining over MOCK, I rather be looking forward for finals.

EDC classes will be starting soon.

Final revisions will be starting intensive and hopefully effectively ..

We'll take it a day at a time k =)

My next investment *grins*

Ciao, dinner time !

SY is listening to : Lady Gaga - Pokerface
SY is watching : Born Rich - Episode 5, Beyond the Realm of Conscience - Episode 5
SY is busy doing : Restaurant City XD

Signing out,
ahhhhhhhhhh Hair Straightener !!!

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