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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

e-a-g-l-e birdie dude

(credits from K-TVB)
everytime they had scenes Linda & Raymond(Moonlight Resonance),
They always have this particular song called Love Is Not Enough which I really LOVE
*ahem**ahem* I know what happen to both characters in the end ..
remain step-sibilings ? friends ? lovers ?
you just wait 4 days later & watch episode 37 and you'll know it XD

since tomorrow is a PUBLIC HOLIDAY
I just found out yesterday btw. I could take a break for a while to update my blog
Just received all my PT1 marks . (PT = progress test/class exam)
So far all were good 80 range for T6,T9 and even T8
Only t7 fell in the drain (55%) , cause I don't really like T7
Regardless of liking or not, still need to study. PT2 is actually next week btw

and my audit lecturer really released the results in his blog
You might wanna check it out. whos the eagle ? chicken ? worm ? pile of shit ?
ranking in group . ranking in overall. everything also need to rank meh ? oO aiyo yo yo

Expected myself to score average (chicken) because audit is something I'm quite blur
Turns out I'm at eagle rank XD
Like in class, I keep saying the wrong answers till I dare not speak.
There is this *parrot* that just says out everything right. Making me feel even dumb !
Not only that, when you did a PYQ and your other friends remember/memorise the ans,
and you totally *lost* - you hear ppl smiling/cheering in exam hall cause they remembered just make you feel a little more worse/miserable Practically did based on some knowledge and waffling here & there.

Waffling can actually be effective when times are in need

This is actually an eagle called a harpy eagle. Really unique.
Have never seen such eagle like this before. .. (was doing some photo search on eagles)
cuteeeeeeeee. Looks like some evolute eagle XD

Anyway, going downstairs to dinner now.
Need to copy the PT1 answers later since yau didn't let me bring home the answers O_o
Happy Holiday people & take care
Best of luck to collegemates for PT2

SY is listening to :
Rihanna - Good Girl Gone Bad (really like this one!)
SY is watching this series : Moonlight Resonance - Episode 33 !
SY is busy : balancing sleep/entertainment/food & studies all together

P/s : I know, I need some humanism aka (photos of my personal social life).
Wait till PT2 , it will be loaded with celebration & parties =)

Signing out,
weeeeeeeeeeee, tmw public holiday
I could take a break from my reaching college at 7.30 AM

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