HTML Nuffnang

Friday, October 31, 2008


So today was the last EDC class for T9 (tax)
And you could say the last class with Mr.Simon

I must say, the first time he came in the class (our first class in semester 2),
we find him a little weird. .
from the way he talk ..
and the way he like to say "you get what I mean ?" lol
the way he and hazel debates.

And one semester is almost going to an end.
Since it was the last day, and also possibly my camera's retirement day.
I don't think I will bring it to main event as it is quite heavy.
And my new camera is coming soon =D
So my camera had a really memorable retirement day

Performing this great shots ...


Yau is surely pleased with the camera cause he look really buff in the photo
Well, it surely looks "buff" LOL not bad .
And mr.simon surely looks happy there.

And finally our group photo.
Well this is definetely not all of the whole group 2.
We have around 80 people actually. But some were absent and MIA.
Don't mean to offend anybody who are not in the photograph.
Just labeling them then sending them to develop and passing it to our lecturer.
I did that for last semester. The photo is still in her office =D

SY is listening to : Jesse McCartney - It's Over
SY is watching this series : Gem Of Life (Episode7),
When Easterly Showers Fall On The Sunny West (Episode 2)
SY is busy : Doing 101 stuff !

Signing out,
wooooooooot C9 ! C9 ! C9 !

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