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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bring back all the pictures in the books ..

Recently I've been complaining, 
how small fonts my study notes are with no pictures. 
Just black and white fonts. WORDS ! WORDS ! WORDS !
The best I could do is just highlighting them in a few colours. 

Missed the times where my story book had pictures inside,
and the fonts were really big and visible.

Borrowed this from Nikon . .

You see the cover, the pretty colours in pink and blue !

And every page has pretty pictures inside. 

rather depressing looking back at my study notes.

Maybe it's time to read back these books =)

SY is listening to : One republic - secrets
SY is watching : Beauty Holds No Pain - Episode 7
SY is busy doing :

Signing out,
I'm feeling lazy ..

1 comment:

Lynn Shane said...

JEAN URE is NICEEE! i love 'em! heehee

Dropped by! :)

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