These post is to my girlfriends
who are taking their driving exam
soon ..
Firstly, I would like to wish Dennis Oh
Eventhough you're 26 now, and 9 years older ..
I still think you're a great idol to look upon =)
You take both exam which take u less than an hour to complete
But you wait like 6 hours ?
B-O-R-I-N-G !!!
Since morning, I was so nervous
And you know I can do things right when I'm nervous
I almost fail my trial because of that
Couldn't drive right =P
I was in driving school at 6.45 am in the morning..
Pass by my school "empty .............."
By 7 something, I was already in the exam place
And all the students were doing their last minute practice
Guess who couldn't start her car the moment she go in ?
Me !!!!!!!!
It was pass rain and the place everything was wet and cold
I forgot to release my handbreak and my car broke down
and all the students were looking at me..
And my friends (I bump into leonard and met jake) were laughing at me
yeeeeeeeeee - That moment I felt
eVEN my parking which is always pretty good -
I failed during practice =P
My teacher : YOU MUST RELAX ! take it easy ....
Usually there are like 10 examiners right ?
Today there was only 6
and there are 250 students who wanna take the exam...
My name was called early for the parking stuff ..
Have no idea why all the students don't wanna go in the car
So I cut the long long no-movement line, and went in the car XD
I remember the 2 teachers who were helping out to call the students
and ask the students to go in the car ..
2 malay uncles : Ok, you can go up the slope ... remember to smile
SY : why go slope must smile ? lolx
2 malay uncles : Smile (they were doing the smiling in a cute & funny way)
SY : hahhaha .. ok ok
Seriously the cars were old ..
and the brek gonna die anytime + the clutch is not really responding
When I went in the slope, I tried to brek, NOT WORKING
And I tell you , a lot lot lot of girls failed their slope !!!!
I was pretty scared eventhough I don't see why ppl can fail that
My slope everything always perfect ...
I ended up one line infront cause the brek didn't responde in time
they allow me to redo it.
So I was like "sei kan, sei kan !"
Luckily I pass XD
After the slope ... I just go down like no tmw ..
then suppose to go parking #1 .. I went #2 XD
tHEN I look at the examiner ...
I remember the 2 uncles saying "smile"
Then the examiner just ask me to go on ... nnyehehehhehe
Don't do like me u know !
So pass all the slope/parking/3-pointer
1 more to go (the road exam)
The parking all finish very fast
But the road took long because they were hundreds of people
and there are only 3 examiner ..zomg
I waited 3 -4 hours ?
Damn tired and frustrated
Jake brought his accounts book - so I just turn here & there
But most of us end up talking ..
Made some new friends there
And I bump into my old primary friend James
He is so tall right now !!!! (I'm feeling short)
My number ?
126 !~~
"wANT TO sex" that's how my number sounds ...
I got a cool examiner for my road. ..
wearing his shades ..
He look like encik badrul (my standart 5 class teacher)
I wished him good morning .. 'He just don't care"
I adjust all the usual stuff ..
when I wanted to check my free gear , he ask me go gear 1 and start the exam
I must say I didn't get nervous when I did the exam
I think on the road , it was the best I did ..
I tell u during trial, I panic until my car broke down
So everything went well, My roundabout nobody - I just move along
I meet the red light - so stop there !
SY : So far so good ?
Examiner : Just drive please
SY : (swallow saliva) owh .. ok
Remembering the 2 uncles .. "smile"
I just smile at him for no reason
I thought singing to him would make me failed my exam straight lol
Cause I wanted to sing "Dancing in the moonlight"
But I don't think I dare to mess with him !
You know if u failed your exam right,
The drop u at the office there ..
And he will be driving till the same place u started
When i reach back the driving school, he said
Examiner : can u drop at the office ?
SY : (the first word I wanted to say was babi)
But you know it's sensitive to say that ..
I was like shit ..babi ... the fellow gonna flunk me
Examiner : (Sign paper) (Hands paper to me)
SY : pass ? (SMILE)
aND my friends in the pondok who are still waiting for their turn
thought I failed !!!! lolx
I ended up with 17/20 for my road exam
eVERybody got the same mark
I suppose to get 18 ..
He minus my mark cause I didn't check if my gear was free in the start
I wanted to argue with him but wth u pass already.
I got minus for my hand-break which I only use during the start , traffic light, and end
Dunno why ..
and the other one is changing gear thing which everybody confirm get minus
Seriously getting your lisence feels so great =)
You just wanna do everything now ..
Relaxing now ..
Yay ! can drive to school next week edi =)
No need to use public phone call home
SY : Hello, mum ? dad ? bro ? Today no 10th period. Pick me up at 1.10
Family : Ok
my bro using car during mon and tue ..
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ....
what-ever ! lolx
This post has been done after pranking my friends that I failed my exam
To my friends - YOU GOT PUNK'D
nyehheheheh - cause you all ask me my result mah
nO HARd feelings k ? Just playing with u all XD
I'm still thinking of looking for my killer dress =P
Where are u ???
I think I need custom designs ...
"stupid peons"
I keep having dreams of failing my driving lisence
even after I pass it already =P
and I can't wait for MPT5 to come =)